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Mindfulness vs. Divinefulness

In our quest for personal growth and fulfillment, the concept of mindfulness often takes center stage. While mindfulness teaches us to be present and aware of our thoughts, there's a deeper, more profound practice that beckons us—being divineful.

What Does It Mean to Be Divineful?

Being divineful is about aligning with our purpose of being alive. It transcends the realm of thoughts and delves into the essence of our existence. It’s about tuning into the divine wisdom that resides within us, which often gets overshadowed by the constant chatter of our minds.

Mindfulness invites us to observe our thoughts without judgment, creating a space between our thoughts and our sense of self. It’s a valuable practice, but it can sometimes leave us tethered to the mental plane.

Divinefulness, on the other hand, encourages us to connect with the core of our being—our soul’s purpose. It’s about recognizing and embodying the unique light that each of us brings into the world.

Genuine alignment with our purpose requires us to go beyond our thoughts. It’s a daily practice of allowing ourselves to be guided by our inner knowing, rather than being swayed by external influences or the incessant stream of mental activity.

Listen to Your Heart: Your heart holds the whispers of your true purpose. Take moments of stillness each day to tune into its guidance. What brings you joy? What makes you feel most alive?

Trust Your Intuition: Your intuition is the voice of your soul. Trusting it can lead you to experiences and opportunities that are in perfect alignment with your purpose. Pay attention to those gut feelings and inner nudges.

Embrace Your Unique Gifts: Embrace them fully, for they are the tools given to you to fulfill your purpose. Share them generously with the world.

Release Control: Allow yourself to flow with life’s currents rather than trying to control every outcome.

Be present not just with your thoughts, but with your entire being. Feel the connection to something greater than yourself in every moment. This connection is your anchor to divinefulness.

Being in alignment with our purpose is a daily practice of allowing. It’s about allowing ourselves to be who we truly are without the masks and facades. It’s about allowing the divine wisdom within us to guide our actions, decisions, and interactions.

When we embrace divinefulness, we step into a state of grace where our thoughts serve our purpose, rather than dictate it. We become co-creators with the universe, manifesting a life that is not only mindful but also deeply meaningful and divinely inspired.

We realize that being alive is not just about existing but about thriving in alignment with our soul’s purpose.


  • What is your personal definition of "Divineful vs. Mindful"?

  • In what areas of your life do you practice mindfulness?

  • Is there one area that you would like to bring more mindfulness into your actions?

  • What feels like it stands in your way? OR What part of you speaks up when you ask this question?

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