A shimmer of light reminds me of you.
A streak of clouds across the sky that feel like long fingertips touching my heart
and mind remind me that you are holding me in your hands.
The ripples in the water are like the waves of your presence as I breathe deeply in
your medicine and allow my body to slip away, dissolving in the essence of your
energy. You fill my being to the brim and pour over me in pure light, spilling down
my soul and back into the Earth, bringing forth life and love in the seeds of
potential that we plant together.
My eyes fill with tears in the presence of you. Unimaginable beauty that leaves my
mouth agape in awe and inspiration, frozen in a moment I hope will last forever as
I perceive and take in your magic.
Towers and tunnels of energy pouring in and out in all directions, flowing with
white light, iridescent radiance illuminating from all around, I am inside, I am
outside, I am allowing myself to become one with you, radiating your essence
from my heart as you pour your love back into me and I express your medicine
through all dimensions of space and time.
Breathing in deeply so I may exhale and slip deeper into our connection as you
take my hand and guide my heart, weaving your wisdom into the tapestry of my
understanding, flowing your teachings into my mind through the lens that only I
can see through, removing the obstacles that obscure my vision and showing me
the way back to you through myself.
I read my words and I see you.
I listen to sacred songs and I hear you.
I move my body and I feel you.
Our connection is so strong, I know that we are close to the point of intersection
where I forget that I am me and you are you, and I remember that we are One.